Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Showin off the baby

I had my first trimester screening this week. I got to see the baby moving and kicking and flipping. It was so neat and I feel like I could sit all day and just watch. I am already so in love with this child! The scan looked good but this is only the first part of a 3 step process. I had some blood work done and have not heard those results yet. In a couple more weeks I will get more blood work and then at 20 weeks we will have a more through scan than what is normally given. We will also find out what we are having at that time. I am so anxious. The days can not go by fast enough. I will be happy either way but it is very exciting to find out.

In other pregnancy news I am still having bleeding on and off. Mostly happens when I do too much. This past Saturday I bled all day long. That is a scary thing when you are pregnant. SInce everything is ok with the baby the doctor beleives I have something going on with my cervix. A varicositie is what she called it. And if I do too much then I will bleed. She wants me to take it easy. Try to sit more at work and not do as much around the house. Easier said than done with a big family, but I am trying to follow her advice as much as possible. I may have to post pone doing my clinicals at school. Because it would consist of a lot of standing and massaging. I don't want to push it. Everything else seems to be going really good.

Jaxon is going to do a series of tests at school. If he does well with these he will be placed in an accelerated program. I could not be more proud. He really enjoys school. Serena is doing really well in speach therapy and continues to improve on a weekly basis. Layne had a fine arts program that she did with church and her group took first place. Tim and I are truely blessed with wonderful children.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Bump Update

I had another visit with my ob/gyn this week. Things are still going along nicely. It was good to see her again after last week's scare. We got to hear out little ones heartbeat again. There is nothing better than hearing that. It is a good strong heartbeat too! I am in the last week of my first trimester and finally starting to feel better. The nausea is almost completly gone and only gets bad if I do not eat. I do not have an appetite and am not craving anything but I am sure that will change shortly. So far I have lost 4 pounds and I have not started to gain it back. I am completly ok with this.

We are going to have an ultrasound on Monday. This is called a first trimester nuchal test. It is to see if the developing baby has any signs of Down Syndrome. With Tim having a child with Down Syndrome this is just something we felt we would like to know. This is not going to change anything about the pregnancy or the love that we have for this child. We would just like to know either way. We will get some good pictures I am sure and I will be sure to post them when we get them. I am pretty excited about seeing our little one.

I am still prett tired. I think a lot of that has to with working full time and going to school 3 nights a week. I am sure it will get better once school is done. I have 2 more weeks of night classes and then have clinicals during the day. I am so excited to be able to go home after work. The kids are also excited to have mom at home and not a baby sitter.

More to come next week.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

ER Visit

Just want to keep everyone updated. Friday this past week turned out to be a horrible night. My kids were at their dad's house and Layne had stuff going on with church. So Tim decided to go into the main lab for a while. I was looking forward to a nice evening to myself. Mostly I wanted to catch up on some napping! So I read a little and slept alot. Around 9:15 I got up and felt like I needed to go to the restroom. I will try to spare the details but I will let you know what I saw in their was the scariest thing I have ever seen while beibg pregnant. I was bleeding, and not just a little. Needless to say I was scared. I called Tim right away even though he was not due to be home until 10. He answered and I told him we needed to go to the hospital. He was 5 minutes from home. God is great. I knew he was looking out for me on this night. So we rushed to the ER. While there we thought the worst. We had lost the baby. All that kept going through my mind was we are going to have to get rid of the halloween outfits we had already gotten for baby wax. It seemed like we had the longest wait ever. They got me into a room in about an hour. The doctor came in and was more worried about my heart rate being elevated than my bleeding. So I was hooked up to an EKG and given IV fluids. Finally at about midnight the Dr came in to examine me. The only thing she could tell me was that yes I was still bleeding but no she could not tell if I was having a miscarriage. Since it was so late at night they did not have anyone there to perform an ultrasound. While laying on the stratcher in the ER I prayed that the babies life was in God's hands and for Him to give me the strength to get through whatever happened. After this I felt completely calm.

We were sent home with the diagnosis "threatened miscarriage". I was told to go home and wait for the rest of the bleeding to start and to follow up with my doctor on Monday. I was not happy with this diagnosis. So Saturday morning I called my doctor. She called me right back and told me she would meet me at the hospital to do a quick ultrasound for peice of mind. Oh what a great dr i have! We got the ultrasound and there was our baby with a very strong heartbeat. Sweet relief. Hearing the heartbeat was the best thing I had heard all weekend. It was a stressful 2 days but it all turned out ok. Hopefully this is not something that I will have to go through again. It was a reminder of how precious our lives are. I am thankful that I have a wonderful supportive husband.