Monday, October 29, 2012

Monday Monday...La La

Good morning!  Feeling so so much better today.  We had a nice weekend.  Friday we just hung out at home.  We craved our pumpkin.  Tim is really in the mood for Christmas to be here so we used Christmas cookie cutters to crave the pumpkin's face.  It turned out pretty cute.  Saturday afternoon we celebrated Campbell's 9th Birthday.  It was so nice to have her over.  Unfortunately my big kids were at their dad's house so they missed out on the fun.  We had a Toy Story themed cake but in pink and purple instead of the blue and red.  I made lasagna and garlic bread for dinner.  It was yummy.

Sunday we lounged around the house watching football and the world series.  The Cardinals didn't win it this year but at least we were beat by the team that won the championship! 

I am in better spirits after spending the weekend with my family.  I also have an interview for a full time position.  This interview is tomorrow.  Amazing what family time and prayers will do for a person.  Wish me luck.  I really want this job.

I also started working out again today.  I am trying to lose weight once again.  This is an issue of mine.  One that is not easy.  I LOVE to eat.  I am learning how to make healthy stuff that tastes good.  Just have to stick with it. 

My parents cats have moved out of our house.  It was not a good fit for them.  Their puppy tried to chase them whenever they came out of our room.  So they took shelter in there and would not come out for anything.  Including potty time.  So you can imagine what that meant for our room!  Ewww.  I have borrowed a steam cleaner and am slowly getting that nasty smell out.  They are happy now as they are living with my grandmother dog free.  And they give my grandmother some company! 

Hope you all have a great Monday.  And a good week.  Here are some pictures of our weekend.  God Bless.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Blah Blah Blah

Unforntunatly this is how I am feeling today.  I feel like life is kicking my butt right now.  Things are tough.  Tim is at work all of the time.  I work 2 nights a week and on the weekend at a job that I am not loving anymore.  I am waiting for a position to open up so I can go back to work full time.  I have mixed feelings on going back full time.  We need the money.  But I love love love spending time at home with Payton and the big kids.  At least when I do go back we will have the weekends together as a family.  I may even get to know who my husband is.  I feel like we are strangers passing in the night!  Our house is full to the brim.  I like having my parents here, but I am not going to lie, it's hard sometimes. 

I know that things will get better.  We always find a way to make it through.  That's life.  It's what you do.  I am praying that they will get better soon.  I need to get out of this funky mood.  I am going to spend some time out side with the kids and a good friend today.  I know that will help. 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Happy Weekend

We had a nice Saturday here.  Tim, Dad and I had to work to start the day.  Then we played outside because the weather was super.  We played a frisbee game called Kan Jam.  Its really fun.  Payton likes to sit outside in the grass while we play.  The dogs got some exercise as well.  Then later in the evening my mom made us a delicious dinner.  It was grilled fillet mignon, asparagus, broccoli, and sauteed mushrooms.  YUM-O!!! 

Payton has been super sick this week with a double ear infection and a cough that was almost pneumonia.  He ran high fevers for 3 days.  He did not sleep at night for 3 or 4 nights in a row.  That means that Tim and I also did not sleep for 3 or 4 nights in a row.  Talk about tired family.  Payton started to feel better yesterday.  I guess he needed to catch up on his sleep because he slept in until 11am and the took a 2 and half hour nap later in the day.  He went to bed around 10pm and slept all night until 8am today.  Thank goodness he seems to be back on schedule. 

Today is football day.  I have to work this afternoon but the rest of the family will watch football and eat snacks.  I think today's menu consists of meatballs and homemade hot wings.  Its so nice having my mom here to cook us yummy food!

 See that dog?  That's the 7 month old German Shepard!!  Huge huh?

Here's our yummy dinner.  I ate all of this!  MMM MMM Good.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Payton turns one!

Payton's birthday was 10/3/12.  It was in the middle of having to move my parents out of their house and during the work/school week.  So we had a little celebration the following Saturday with just close family.  The picture above was taken the morning of his party.  He loves to make some goofy faces!
 Here is the big guy getting started on opening some presents.  He LOVES Mickey. If you look close you can see that the tablecloth is Mickey.  The whole house was decorated in this theme, but I failed to get any good pictures. 
 Big brother and sis like to help Payton open his presnts! More Mickey. 
 Tim and baby posing.
 Cake time!  My mom made this little Mickey smash cake for him.  The rest of us had chocalate cupcakes. 

 He didn't make too big of a mess.  He was busy eating it!  Afterwards he had quite the sugar rush and then dropped off into a great sleep. 

I felt a little guilty about Payton's birthday this year as it was overshadowed by the events of my mom and dad moving in.  Next year he will have a bigger better party!

Payton's Stats:
Weight 26lb 5 oz
Height  32in
Head 20in

He is still in the top precentages for his age.  So big!  He does not crawl or walk yet but he can sit on his own and will scoot on his bottom.  He gets wherever he wants to go.  He is just starting to pull up on furniture and people.  This slow progress is partly because of his urostomy.  It's the opening in his abdomen to let the urine come out from his left kidney.  He was unable to much tummy time as an infant. 
 Payton can say a few words.  Like da da and mama.  He will also say cracker and a few other random words.  He talks in his own language and will jaber on forever.  My dad said it sounds like he is talking to aliens.  He also knows some sign language.  His favorite one to use is more.  He will use it and just laugh and laugh.
 So there is my little man in a nutshell.  The year went by too quick like they always do.  We have done so much in the past year.  Payton has shown us how strong he is.  He is always so happy and a great snuggler.  I love him so much!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I am back!!

It's been a long time.  I finally have internet and a computer back at home.  A lot has happened since April!  The summer went really well.  I enjoy being home with the kids during the day and working at night.  But man do I hurt from massaging people for a living! The big kids are back in school and loving it.  Jaxon is again getting all A's.  Serena does not get graded on a letter scale yet.  They do numbers.  Ones are good, 2's are okay and 3's mean needs improvement.  She gets all ones and twos.  Payton just turned one.  As soon as I figure out how to upload pics I will post some of our growing family.  Right now we have house guest.  My mom, dad, their 6 month old German Shepard puppy and their 2 cats are here with us.  Probably until the first of next year.  They got into a situation and lost lost their house.  My dad will retire in January and they will move to Michigan.  So we are indeed a FULL HOUSE.  I will post about our daily doings.  :)  So glad to be back.