Saturday, April 30, 2011

Tim's Ordeal

Where do I start this long story? I will try to break it down and make it as short as I can. It all started on Wednesday April 20. Tim was having some abdominal pain. This started in the morning and he thought he just had to use the restroom. Well as the day went on the pains got worse. By the time that he got home from work he was barely able to stand up straight. I told Tim we needed to get to the ER. I was thinking he had something like appendsitis. We got to the ER at like 9:15. Got right in to a room so I thought we would not have to wait long. WRONG! The Dr first thought that Tim had something going on with his bladder so they wanted to do a scan. While waiting they did give him something for the pain but it did not help even a little. Bladder scan normal, next step a CT scan of abdomen and pelvis. Tim got taken back to have his scan at 2am. We sat around and waited some more and finally at 3am we were told that he had diverticulitis and it had caused a small hole in his large colon. He would need to be admitted and monitored closely and have IV antibiotics.

So Tim was put on nothing to eat or drink for 2 days and was given antibiotics and pain medications. He was slowly feeling better and was able to eat. He spent Easter weekend in the hospital. It was very tough for me as well as the children to be with out him for a holiday. Mondat Tim was doing great. He had his first full meal since the whole thing started. He wanted to come home that night but I talked him in to staying one more night just to monitor.

Tuesday morning Tim was ready to come home. I got the kids off to school and headed up to the hospital to bring Tim home. What I walked into was terrible. Tim was in the worst pain of his life. I have never seen him like this. I knew it was bad. I did not know what to do to help. He had already called his nurse and they were calling the doctors. Did not take long and he was surrounded by nurses and doctors. Off to CT to find out what was going on. We found out the he had opened the small hole in his belly and it was leaking. He would need surgery asap. Luckily we work with the best doctors around and they had Tim in the OR within the hour. He required a 3 hour surgery to remove the bad part of his colon and clean up the surrounding area. Surgery went well. Since then Tim is slowly recovering. He is not in near as much pain as he was before surgery.

Tim now has a belly full of air that is not moving. He looks more pregnant than I do. It is causing him great discomfort and has a hard time taking a deep breath. The doctors say he is heading in the right direction just rather slowly. We have been praying the he make a speedy recover. I know it is in God's hands and he will heal and come home.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Baby Wax week 16

I am 16 weeks pregnant today. I am feeling great. The nausea is gone. I have a few cravings but not anything crazy. So far it has been Stefanina's pizza and tomatoes. I have not gained any weight. In the first trimester I lost 4 pounds and I am still at that weight. That is a great start to this pregnancy. My goal is to only gain around 15 pounds.

We know someone who is an ulrasound tech. She was nice enough to look at our baby to see if we could figure out what the sex is. What we found out is that we have a very stubborn little one. It was so sweet to see the baby moving. It was standing on its head and would turn and look at us like, "do you see what I can do?' But the little booger kept its legs crossed for mos of the ultrasound. We did get a quick look but it was hard to tell. The ultrasound tech said that if she had to put money on it she would go with a boy. I said that was great and Trim is beyond excited. Layne said, "Are you sure it's not a girl?". Our big girl wanted a little sister to dress up! Jaxon is super excited and says this little one is already a great little brother! I am so excited but I will not by anything blue until we know for sure at our big ultrasound next month.

In other news I have started clinicals at school. it is so nice to finally be done with night classes. I am getting used to being in 2 different places during the day. It is wonderful to be at home during the evenings. I remembering what is like to make dinner for my family again! Jaxon continues to do well in school and is looking forward to the summer. Serena can not wait to start Kindergarden so she wants the summer to go by fast. If all goes as planned Laynie Lou will be going to public high school in the fall. I am excited and nervous for her! I myself love summer weather but am not looking forward to suffering through the heat this year. I have a feeling the air will be set way low with me inside and my feet up!

A couple weeks ago we had Terry, Amy, Bailey, and Jackson here. While there were here for a sad reason, a family member was in the hospital, we did enjoy spending some time with them.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Pregnancy ups and downs

I am 14 weeks pregnant. This week has proved difficult for me. I am starting to show which I think is so neat. But with a bigger belly comes a bigger back ache. My chair at work offers no support and I am hurting. I switched chairs and have started doing some yoga. I am hopeful that this will help. I am tired. Going to school 3 nights a week is taking its toll on this expecting mama. My last night of class is tomorrow. I am so excited that I finally made it through school. Next week starts clinicals for me. I have to do them part time so I can continue to work. This is going to take about 12 weeks to finish. I anxious to get through this because I am not so thrilled about the pay cut I will be taking. I miss seeing my husband. We get to see each other for about 30 minutes before I crash at night and for 10 minutes before Tim goes to work in the morning. I would love for us to be at home more but I know it just can not happen at this point in our lives. I am so thankful that we have the oppurtuunity to work so much and try to better our lives. But it is so hard to do. I have faith that things will get better. I keep praying for strength. I know God is walking with my family and we are so blessed. With out God I believe we would not be able to handle a lot of what we go trough. While I have had a hard week, I remember that we are going to be ok.