Saturday, May 21, 2011

What's going on

Tim has been home for almost 2 weeks. We have had a few set backs since coming home but we are coping well. Tim had to have a liter of fluid drained from his lungs last week. After this he started to feel a lot better. He gets a little stronger and pain free each day. He has a drain in his belly to let the infection drain out. This has sloed to a trickle and will most likely come out next week. I am sure this will make him feel a lot better. he is finally headed in the right direction and making improvement. His blood work is coming back to normal and he has gotten some of his sense of humore back.
Last night we had Layne, Campbell, Jaxon, and Serena. We took them to the community college where there was a live band and really good food. We got rained on several times and left early. We had a lot of fun and it was nice to get out. Tim may have over done it last night playing with Campbell and is pretty sore today. he is going to take it easy.
Thursday last week we had our big 20 week ultrasound for the baby. Everything looked great. All organs are where they are supposed to be and developing like normal. Our baby is already measuring big and this scares mama a little. Good thing I already know I have ot have a c-section. Our little one was showing off and we found out that it is definitly a boy! We could not be happier. He did not want to show his face at all. Kept turning and hiding. It was so neat to see him in there moving all over. His favorite position is head to chin and feet over his head. It was so funny to see.
We have been blessed. Tim is getting healthy and we have a healthy baby growing!

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Tim got to leave the hospital on Monday May 9. What a wonderful yet strrange feeling. Going home sounded great, but I was scared at the same time. Will he be all right at home? He did great Monday night and all day Tuesday. Then Wednesday afternoon/evening he started to get increased chest pain and it was hard for him to take a deep breath. I wanted to bring him back to the hospital but tim refused. He went to see the Dr Thursday to see the surgeon. He got a good report from him but we were still concerned about all the pain. Blood work cam back not so great. Tim had a CT scan Friday morning that showed his belly infection was finally starting to go away. There was a substantial amount of fluid on the right side of his lungs. This is what was causing all of his pain. So Friday afternoon he had to have a procedure to remove the fluid. They pulled a liter of fluid off form his right lung. While the pain is not as bad its still there. The bottom of his lung is not inflating fully and it still hurts to breath. He is taking it easy and will go for more testing on Monday.

I feel so helpless in this situation. There is nothing I can do to help with his pain. I continue to pray. God answers prayers. I am very thankful that Tim is still here with us. I know every day he will get stronger and continue to heal. Thank God for all the wonderful things in my life. May he continue to bless and strengthen our family.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Another low

Tim continues to stay in the hospital. He was starting to feel better and had a little bit of his sense of humor back. The thing keeping him in the hospital was his white blood cell count. It had continued to stay high. This is an indication of infection. He has been on 2 different very strong antibiotics every day and the numbers were still up. So today the dr ordered a scan of his belly to see what was going on. Results came back that he has abcesses in his abdomen. These are pockets of infected fluid through out his belly. This is the reason that it has taken him so long to recover from surgery. So tmorrow morning they will do a scan and put a big needle in his belly in several different places. He will be awake for this and I can only imagine that this will not be very comfortable. He has been through so much in the past few weeks and its like he can't catch a break. Hopefully after this he will start to feel better and will finally be able to come home. He will need to stay for a while longer in the hospital to make sure the infection clears. I miss having Tim at home. I have not stopped praying the whole time he has been in the hospital. Now I will continue with prayer. I know God is listening and will help him heal soon.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Ups and Downs

This journey has been a roller coaster to say the least. I thought my emotions were up and down from pregnancy. But I had no idea that Tim's hosptial stay would be like this. 2 weeks ago when this started I thought ok, we will go in for a few days and I will have my Tim back home and life will go on as normal. So much has changed in these weeks. First with his emergancy surgery. Then we have had a few minor setbacks on the road to recovery. It feels like Tim will have one great day and we are on top of the world. Then the next day he is so sick and in pain we wonder where those good days went. Today was one of those good days. After a weekend of horrible days and lots of tears on both parts we needed today. I am hopeful that we will continue to have more good days and less bad days. I want to bring my husband home from the hospital.
In other news I am still having back pain. I think stress, bad chairs in the hospital, and over doing it are all playing factors. I am resting tonight. Hoping that this gets better. I had some spotting this weekend and that is always a sign that I am doing too much. So I will do a few things at home and sit with my feet up and drink water. I want to keep myself and the baby healthy so I will be able to help Tim when he finally is able to come home.