Thursday, December 22, 2011

New mom resolutions

I have decided that instead of New Years resolutions I am going to have new mom resolutions!

I have lots of stuff that I want to improve about myself. I know I am not going to accomplish everything I want to do this year. I am sure going to try and get some of it done.

  • Slow down and enjoy my family more

  • Look for the good in every situation

  • Finally lose weight

  • Cook better dinners

  • Decide if I want to work 2 jobs or just one and go back to school

  • Take more pictures

  • Stop drinking soda

  • Sleep more

This is just a random list of things that I want to do in the next year. I am sure that there is actually a ton more but my mind is not functioning correctly these days. I am running on interrupted sleep and a very busy life.

Looking forward to our Christmas this year. Sweet little Payton's very first.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Sooo Sleepy

This is how I feel at work today. I am probably not being very productive. I had to work my second job last night. It went well and I made some good money in tips. Payton decided he wanted to wake up at 2am and then again at 5:30am. Hubbys stomach was bothering him so I got up both times. After the 5:30am feeding little man did not want to go back to sleep. I love that little boy, but he is makin me one tired mama. Thank goodness I only have to work one job today. Then home to cook dinner and do motherly things! I am feeling tonight may be a movie and snuggles night. Early to bed for everyone.

I am kind of computer illiterate. I do not know how to do a lot with this blog as of yet. I am hoping I can find some help. I would like to link up with other bloggers and do the fun stuff they do. I am making it my goal to learn how to do that.

No more working at night this week. I have to work Saturday afternoon. We will see how this second job thing works out. Right now it is kickin my butt. I may cut down to one night a week and Saturday afternoons.

I promise when I figure out more about blogging I will have more pictures to post.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A day in the life of...


This is what my days consist of right now. I am picking what a typical Tuesday is like. Other days I only work one job so its not so hectic.

6:45am This is wake up time. A minute past this and it throws the whole morning routine off.
I must immediatly get into the shower and get myself ready to go. While I am in the shower the big kids are usually up and getting themselves ready for school. Thank goodness for kids that get dressed and eat all by themselves!

7:00-7:30am I spend this time getting Payton ready. Diaper changed and dressed. He does not normally get a bottle this early because he gets up at 4am to eat. That might change soon.

7:30am Out the door. Big kids stay home with hubby to catch the bus. Bringing Payton to my sister. She is watching him right now.

8:00am Goodbyes at Shaunas. I hate this time of day. I kiss and love on Payton for as long as I can.

8:30am Arrive at work. Here I will stay until 4:30pm

4:30-5:30pm Leave job one, go home, change clothes, eat dinner and get ready for job 2.

6:00pm. Arrive at job 2. This is at Massage Envy. I massage people for 4 hours. This is new to me and I am still working on getting clients and making the most of my time here.

10:00pm Home to stay at last.

10:30 or 11pm Bedtime.

1:00am: Payton wakes up to eat. I give him a bottle and stare into his eyes as he eats. I love this time with him although I wish it was during the day and not the middle of the night.

4am: Payton wakes to eat again. I hear him and gently nudge hubby to get him!

It looks like there is no division between night and day! Right now it feels like there isnt. On Monday and Tuesday nights I work 2 jobs. The big kids go to their dad's house and Tim stays home with the baby. It is a crazy way to live. But we need the extra income. Wednesday and Thursday nights I am home with the 3 kids and Tim works his second job. Saturdays we both work him in the morning and me in the afternoon. Someone is always at home with the kids. Sundays are our day of rest and family time.

Soon I am hoping we dont have to live like this. As it goes right now the hubs and I do not have time for personal things. I may cut down to one night a week or only Saturdays.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Paytons Kidney

When I was pregnant with Payton I had to have ultrasounds every week for a while due to my gestational diabetes. Everything always checked out perfect until my 34 week check. PAytons left kidney was slightly enlarged. It is hard to tell on fetal ultrasound what exactly causes this but they wanted to monitor it. So they measured it. A good number is under 3mm. That first vistit, Paytons measured 9mm. Big but not terrible the doctor told us. Dr said if it made it to 13 this would be the critical point. I didnt think much of it, worried a little and prayed about it. At the next ultrasound that was 18 days later the size had balloned up to 25mm. This is way past the critical level that the doctor had told us about. Needless to say I was scared. We spoke with a pediatric urologist before he was born. He let us know that he was going to be closely monitored after birth and we would decide what to do then.

When Payton was born he had an ultrasound that still showed his kidney is severly swollen and so is the ureter. This is the tube that lets urine drain from the kidney to the bladder. His kidney is not draining at all. It is holding on to the urine and this is why its swollen. Payton also had to have a test to check for reflux(where the kidney sucks up the urine instead of draining). He had to have a cath for this. Not a pleasent thing for mom or baby to go through. He does not have reflux. He has a blockage in that tube that is preventing any urine to go to the bladder.

His urologist informed us that the only way to fix this is to have surgery to remove the blockage. I am thankful that there is a fix for this. But no mama wants to have their sweet little innocent baby to have surgery. He not only has to have one, but 2 surgeries to completely fix this problem. On January 19 they will go in and take the tube off from the bladder and bring it to his skin. He will have 2 openings where urine comes out. His normal place and an opening in the crease of his left leg. He will have to remain this way until that kidney heals. He will not have to wear anything special it will drain directly into his diaper. The dr says the healing time varies from person to person but anywhere from 3 to 6 months. Then he will have another surgery to put it all back together.
I am praying that everything will be ok. Payton is a big strong baby. I will have pictures to post soon.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Back to work.

Today is my first day back to work after 8 weeks of maternity leave. Let me tell you, I did not want to come back. My days at home with Payton were so sweet. He is a wonderful baby and I do not like to be with out him. I never spent more than 6 hours away from him the whole time I was on leave. I am so thankful I was able to have this time off with him. I am also thankful that I have a job to come back to.
It was really hard to leave my sweet little baby this morning and I may have teared up a little in the process. In the coming posts I will update on Payton and his 8 weeks. He is so sweet and takes great pictures. Of course I think that he is adorable because I am his mother and can not get enough of him! I will also update in the rest of the family. Glad to be back among adults with real conversations.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

38 weeks

I had my 38 week check up this week. This was my last appointment. Payton will be here next week! We are still measuring big. I have been having a lot more contractions but did not get checked for progress as I am having a c section. I also had my last appointment with MFM. Payton is still very happy growing away in my belly. They estimated his weight to be 9lb 15oz. That is a huge baby. The tech did say that they are almost always measured on the big side. I sure hope so. That is a 2 month old not a newborn!

We will go in early Monday morning at 6am for our c section. We will be the first case of the day. Surgery is scheduled at 8am. This is so my sugar is low when they take him so his doesn't drop drastically after birth. Payton will have to be monitored in the nursery for a bit after he is born. They will watch his sugars and also be taking a look at his kidney. The left one looks to be severely swollen and not doing its proper job. The right one is just fine. He will have to have a few tests and will most likely be placed on low dose antibiotics daily. This will continue until the swelling goes down. I am sure he will be fine, but I can't help worry about him. Sometimes big babies have problems breathing when they are born as well. I have prayed for his lungs and kidneys to be functioning great when he is born.

I am so excited that we are finally going to meet Payton. And I am nervous about having surgery. But we are in good hands and things will be fine. Next time I update I will have a tiny (or not so tiny!) tyke.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

36 weeks

Just got done having my 36 week check. Everything still looks great. He is still measuring BIG. Your belly measurements are supposed to coincide with how far along you are. So I am 36 weeks and should measure at or around 36cm. Today doctor got me at 42 cm. We are definitely going to have a big baby. We talked about what would happen if my water broke or I were to go into labor before my scheduled c-section. She said it would be up to me if I wanted to try to have this baby vaginally. I told her that with the measurements of his head I would be scared to try. But the more I think about it, the more I think I would try to have him naturally if my body went into labor. It would be a quicker recovery time. So if it comes down to it and I go in to labor I would give it my all to get this baby out! I think I would labor at home as long as I could stand it and try not to have drug intervention until I could not stand it. A woman's body is made to have babies and I would like to see how it works!

Everything else is going good as well. The kids are getting in to a good routine as the school year progresses. Jaxon and Serena both are getting really good grades and I could not be more proud of them. Layne, as always does well with her schooling. Campbell is doing excellent as well. I have to take my big test to get my license for massage therapy. I am waiting until after the baby comes to do that. I can not see sitting comfortable for a 3 hour test.
Tim is doing pretty good. About 2 weeks ago he was in the hospital again for a small bowell obstruction. This is due to all the trauma and surgery he had earlier in the year. It was scary seeing him in pain like that again. All I kept thinking is that we could not handle going through this again. I prayed from the minute his pain started until he was out of the hospital. God must have gotten tired of hearing the same thing over and over again because it only took about 48 hours for Tim to be feeling better! Thank goodness.

So I am going to walk walk walk until this baby comes out!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

35 weeks

Here is my little butter ball at 34 weeks 5 days. In the top picture you can see that he has chubby cheeks and it looks like a little smirk on his face. He doesn't like to get caught on camera. Normally he has his hands, feet and umbilical cord in front of his face. We were able to get some good pictures this time. He is measuring huge right now! Already 7 pounds. That will put him roughly around 9 pounds at birth. That is what I weighed when I was born. Jaxon and Serena were 8lb 14 oz and 8 lb 15 oz. So this one is just following in big siblings foot steps!

My doctor today suggested that I cut some of my hours at work. Maybe just leave a couple hours early every day. I think that sounds like a great idea! At least then I may be able to function at home. Right now when I leave work I go home make dinner and then get nothing done till I go to bed. I could clean and get the house in shape for us to have a little one. We have 25 days until we meet this little man. I am so excited and can not wait to have him in my arms!!

I did have a little scare last week Friday. I was having contractions every 15 minutes for about 3 hours straight. Dr told me to go home and take it easy. I did that and since have not had problems. We had a rough week last week. Tim was in the hospital for a small bowell obstruction and I was running on little to no sleep. At 34 weeks pregnant that is not a good idea. So I am goingt o take it easy and let this little one bake a little longer!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Posting from Work

We no longer have internet at home. So I will post from work on my lunch break when I can.

We are doing great. Tim is feeling better and better. He is back to his normal goofy self. He will have nights where his stomach hurts a lot but I think it's mostly from over doing it.

I have become a mini van driver. Gasp! I swore that I would never ever own one, but when you have 5 kids and one on the way you have to have a car that fits. And we can not afford the gas for a monstor SUV. So I am rockin a gold Kia Sedona. And I have to say that I actually love driving it! On the pregnancy home front we are doing good. I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes at 29 weeks. I have been doing really good on the diet and my sugars are under control. Payton has decided that he really wants to be a line backer and has been putting on the pounds like its nobodys business. We are 33 and half weeks along and the little (or should I say huge?) guy already weighs close to 6 pounds. We measure what someone at 38 weeks would! I have only gained 6 pounds total. That means that I have really lost weight right?!! Starting next week we will go for weekly ultrasounds and non stress tests to make sure that Payton is still growing and developing like he should.

The kids started school last week. Rena did so good and is enjoying kindergarden. She is still a little leary of getting on the bus every day but by the end of the afternoon she is fine. Jaxon is a pro at it by now. Both kids are already getting excellent grades. I am so proud of them.

Everything else seems to be going good. I am DONE with school and am loveing the freedom of just working and being a mom. I have to take the big test soon to get my license. I think I am going to wait until after Payton is here. I can't imagine sitting for 2 or 3 hours concentrating on test questions right now.

We are looking into getting internet back at home. I really miss it.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Took a slight break from blogging. Not that we don't have a lot going on, but we are not supposed to have internet at home. I cancelled this a month ago. So we put the lap top away and forot about having internet at home. That is until we received our Charter bill. We are still getting billed for internet and we still are hooked up. So I called 3 days ago to complain. I was told that it was for sure cancelled this time. Hmmm 3 days later and I am on the internet. So I am going to take advantage of it before I call once again!!

We are doing well as a family. Tim has had his reversal surgery. He only required 2 nights in the hospital this time. What a trooper he has been through all of this. He is doing great afterwards. Took 3 weeks off from work. Today was his first day back. He is still a little under weight but getting stronger every day. I thank God every day that he is still here with us. After all of this he has absolutly no diet restrictions at all. I think that is awesome. He is still a little leary about eating certain foods. And I don't blame him!!!

Layne had a great birthday and we all had a good time having the whole family over. Serena's birthday is up next in August. She has already started a count down! Right after her birthday she will start kindergarden. It is so hard for me to think about my little Rena to be going to school. She is beyond excited. She wants to ride the bus with her big brother!!!

I am doing good with the pregnancy. As of tomorrow I am 28 weeks pregnant. My little ticker is off and I need to re do it. We have scheduled our c- section for 10/3/11. I am nervous about it but I competly trust my doctor and God. Payton is growing at a fast past these days. I was doing really well on weight gain up until about 24 weeks. Now it seems like I am gaining about a pound a week. I am up to 9 pounds now. Yikes! Really that means I am up 5 from pre pregnancy weight. The average weight gain by now is between 17 pounds and 25 pounds. Thank goodness I am not up there. I am hot and uncomfortable as it is. Payton measures about 2 weeks ahead of where we are in the pregnancy. I guess this is what happens when mom is 5'4" and dad is 6'3"!!! We are going to have a long baby!! I am so excited to meet the newest member of our family. I wonder what he will look like?

I only have 2 weeks left for school. Every day is one step closer to finally being done. I am so excited. I do love massaging but the school is HOT and I am uncomfortable bending and leaning. I know once I no longer have a squirming baby in my belly I will be more thatn willing to massage. Want to know something crazy? After the first of the year I am going to continue with my education. Yea you read that correctly. I want to be a registered nurse. I would love to combine massage therapy with nursing and help as many people as I can! I am going to take it slow and easy. Classes maybe one week a night. The goal is to have my degree by the time Payton goes to school.

Sorry this turned into such a long post but I had a lot to catch up on. I am sure there something that I am missing. Hopefully it won't be as long until I post again.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Just because

I have not blogged in a while, so I thought I'd catch up. We have been focusing on getting Tim healthy at home. Things have been going well. Tim feels a little better every day. He did get a nasty cold and also a staph infection. Those things are also on the mend. He goes back to see his surgeon on Tuesday to set a date to have his second surgery. This will get rid of his ileostomy. He will feel so much better after this. We have been praying that everything goes great. I am so thankful that this long battle looks to be coming to an end. It will have forever changed us.
I am doing ok with the pregnancy. I have gained 5 pounds. Which really means only one pound because I had initially lost 4! This is going exactly as I wanted it to. Although I have been a lot hungrier in the past few weeks. I am trying to continue to stay active and eat as healthy as I can. I am currently 23 weeks along. The only complaint I have is back and hip pain. It is an everyday ordeal for me. As the day goes on the pain gets worse. I have a lumbar support on my chair at work and I have a support belt that I wear. It seems nothing that I do helps the pain. I even get massages at school. Speaking of school I am going to be finished in about 7 weeks. Though this dies not sound like a long time, it sounds like an eternity to me. I love my new profession but being a massage therapist is hard on a pregnant mama. Probably one of the many reasons I have such bad back pain. After school I don't think I will be doing a ton of massages. After the baby is here I will pick things up.
We have a very busy week this week. School and work for me. Tim has to work and see his doctor this week. This weekend we will be celebrating our one year anniversary and Layne's 14th Birthday. We are not doing anything for our anniversary this month. Since Tim has been out of work, it's just not in the budget. So we will celebrate Layne's Birthday and Father's Day. Then next month we celebrate. The timing stinks but the important thing is we are still together and in love. We are going to be together forever to come and will have many more anniversary's.
We are finally going to start taking pictures of my belly next week. I will post them as soon as I have them.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

What's going on

Tim has been home for almost 2 weeks. We have had a few set backs since coming home but we are coping well. Tim had to have a liter of fluid drained from his lungs last week. After this he started to feel a lot better. He gets a little stronger and pain free each day. He has a drain in his belly to let the infection drain out. This has sloed to a trickle and will most likely come out next week. I am sure this will make him feel a lot better. he is finally headed in the right direction and making improvement. His blood work is coming back to normal and he has gotten some of his sense of humore back.
Last night we had Layne, Campbell, Jaxon, and Serena. We took them to the community college where there was a live band and really good food. We got rained on several times and left early. We had a lot of fun and it was nice to get out. Tim may have over done it last night playing with Campbell and is pretty sore today. he is going to take it easy.
Thursday last week we had our big 20 week ultrasound for the baby. Everything looked great. All organs are where they are supposed to be and developing like normal. Our baby is already measuring big and this scares mama a little. Good thing I already know I have ot have a c-section. Our little one was showing off and we found out that it is definitly a boy! We could not be happier. He did not want to show his face at all. Kept turning and hiding. It was so neat to see him in there moving all over. His favorite position is head to chin and feet over his head. It was so funny to see.
We have been blessed. Tim is getting healthy and we have a healthy baby growing!

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Tim got to leave the hospital on Monday May 9. What a wonderful yet strrange feeling. Going home sounded great, but I was scared at the same time. Will he be all right at home? He did great Monday night and all day Tuesday. Then Wednesday afternoon/evening he started to get increased chest pain and it was hard for him to take a deep breath. I wanted to bring him back to the hospital but tim refused. He went to see the Dr Thursday to see the surgeon. He got a good report from him but we were still concerned about all the pain. Blood work cam back not so great. Tim had a CT scan Friday morning that showed his belly infection was finally starting to go away. There was a substantial amount of fluid on the right side of his lungs. This is what was causing all of his pain. So Friday afternoon he had to have a procedure to remove the fluid. They pulled a liter of fluid off form his right lung. While the pain is not as bad its still there. The bottom of his lung is not inflating fully and it still hurts to breath. He is taking it easy and will go for more testing on Monday.

I feel so helpless in this situation. There is nothing I can do to help with his pain. I continue to pray. God answers prayers. I am very thankful that Tim is still here with us. I know every day he will get stronger and continue to heal. Thank God for all the wonderful things in my life. May he continue to bless and strengthen our family.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Another low

Tim continues to stay in the hospital. He was starting to feel better and had a little bit of his sense of humor back. The thing keeping him in the hospital was his white blood cell count. It had continued to stay high. This is an indication of infection. He has been on 2 different very strong antibiotics every day and the numbers were still up. So today the dr ordered a scan of his belly to see what was going on. Results came back that he has abcesses in his abdomen. These are pockets of infected fluid through out his belly. This is the reason that it has taken him so long to recover from surgery. So tmorrow morning they will do a scan and put a big needle in his belly in several different places. He will be awake for this and I can only imagine that this will not be very comfortable. He has been through so much in the past few weeks and its like he can't catch a break. Hopefully after this he will start to feel better and will finally be able to come home. He will need to stay for a while longer in the hospital to make sure the infection clears. I miss having Tim at home. I have not stopped praying the whole time he has been in the hospital. Now I will continue with prayer. I know God is listening and will help him heal soon.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Ups and Downs

This journey has been a roller coaster to say the least. I thought my emotions were up and down from pregnancy. But I had no idea that Tim's hosptial stay would be like this. 2 weeks ago when this started I thought ok, we will go in for a few days and I will have my Tim back home and life will go on as normal. So much has changed in these weeks. First with his emergancy surgery. Then we have had a few minor setbacks on the road to recovery. It feels like Tim will have one great day and we are on top of the world. Then the next day he is so sick and in pain we wonder where those good days went. Today was one of those good days. After a weekend of horrible days and lots of tears on both parts we needed today. I am hopeful that we will continue to have more good days and less bad days. I want to bring my husband home from the hospital.
In other news I am still having back pain. I think stress, bad chairs in the hospital, and over doing it are all playing factors. I am resting tonight. Hoping that this gets better. I had some spotting this weekend and that is always a sign that I am doing too much. So I will do a few things at home and sit with my feet up and drink water. I want to keep myself and the baby healthy so I will be able to help Tim when he finally is able to come home.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Tim's Ordeal

Where do I start this long story? I will try to break it down and make it as short as I can. It all started on Wednesday April 20. Tim was having some abdominal pain. This started in the morning and he thought he just had to use the restroom. Well as the day went on the pains got worse. By the time that he got home from work he was barely able to stand up straight. I told Tim we needed to get to the ER. I was thinking he had something like appendsitis. We got to the ER at like 9:15. Got right in to a room so I thought we would not have to wait long. WRONG! The Dr first thought that Tim had something going on with his bladder so they wanted to do a scan. While waiting they did give him something for the pain but it did not help even a little. Bladder scan normal, next step a CT scan of abdomen and pelvis. Tim got taken back to have his scan at 2am. We sat around and waited some more and finally at 3am we were told that he had diverticulitis and it had caused a small hole in his large colon. He would need to be admitted and monitored closely and have IV antibiotics.

So Tim was put on nothing to eat or drink for 2 days and was given antibiotics and pain medications. He was slowly feeling better and was able to eat. He spent Easter weekend in the hospital. It was very tough for me as well as the children to be with out him for a holiday. Mondat Tim was doing great. He had his first full meal since the whole thing started. He wanted to come home that night but I talked him in to staying one more night just to monitor.

Tuesday morning Tim was ready to come home. I got the kids off to school and headed up to the hospital to bring Tim home. What I walked into was terrible. Tim was in the worst pain of his life. I have never seen him like this. I knew it was bad. I did not know what to do to help. He had already called his nurse and they were calling the doctors. Did not take long and he was surrounded by nurses and doctors. Off to CT to find out what was going on. We found out the he had opened the small hole in his belly and it was leaking. He would need surgery asap. Luckily we work with the best doctors around and they had Tim in the OR within the hour. He required a 3 hour surgery to remove the bad part of his colon and clean up the surrounding area. Surgery went well. Since then Tim is slowly recovering. He is not in near as much pain as he was before surgery.

Tim now has a belly full of air that is not moving. He looks more pregnant than I do. It is causing him great discomfort and has a hard time taking a deep breath. The doctors say he is heading in the right direction just rather slowly. We have been praying the he make a speedy recover. I know it is in God's hands and he will heal and come home.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Baby Wax week 16

I am 16 weeks pregnant today. I am feeling great. The nausea is gone. I have a few cravings but not anything crazy. So far it has been Stefanina's pizza and tomatoes. I have not gained any weight. In the first trimester I lost 4 pounds and I am still at that weight. That is a great start to this pregnancy. My goal is to only gain around 15 pounds.

We know someone who is an ulrasound tech. She was nice enough to look at our baby to see if we could figure out what the sex is. What we found out is that we have a very stubborn little one. It was so sweet to see the baby moving. It was standing on its head and would turn and look at us like, "do you see what I can do?' But the little booger kept its legs crossed for mos of the ultrasound. We did get a quick look but it was hard to tell. The ultrasound tech said that if she had to put money on it she would go with a boy. I said that was great and Trim is beyond excited. Layne said, "Are you sure it's not a girl?". Our big girl wanted a little sister to dress up! Jaxon is super excited and says this little one is already a great little brother! I am so excited but I will not by anything blue until we know for sure at our big ultrasound next month.

In other news I have started clinicals at school. it is so nice to finally be done with night classes. I am getting used to being in 2 different places during the day. It is wonderful to be at home during the evenings. I remembering what is like to make dinner for my family again! Jaxon continues to do well in school and is looking forward to the summer. Serena can not wait to start Kindergarden so she wants the summer to go by fast. If all goes as planned Laynie Lou will be going to public high school in the fall. I am excited and nervous for her! I myself love summer weather but am not looking forward to suffering through the heat this year. I have a feeling the air will be set way low with me inside and my feet up!

A couple weeks ago we had Terry, Amy, Bailey, and Jackson here. While there were here for a sad reason, a family member was in the hospital, we did enjoy spending some time with them.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Pregnancy ups and downs

I am 14 weeks pregnant. This week has proved difficult for me. I am starting to show which I think is so neat. But with a bigger belly comes a bigger back ache. My chair at work offers no support and I am hurting. I switched chairs and have started doing some yoga. I am hopeful that this will help. I am tired. Going to school 3 nights a week is taking its toll on this expecting mama. My last night of class is tomorrow. I am so excited that I finally made it through school. Next week starts clinicals for me. I have to do them part time so I can continue to work. This is going to take about 12 weeks to finish. I anxious to get through this because I am not so thrilled about the pay cut I will be taking. I miss seeing my husband. We get to see each other for about 30 minutes before I crash at night and for 10 minutes before Tim goes to work in the morning. I would love for us to be at home more but I know it just can not happen at this point in our lives. I am so thankful that we have the oppurtuunity to work so much and try to better our lives. But it is so hard to do. I have faith that things will get better. I keep praying for strength. I know God is walking with my family and we are so blessed. With out God I believe we would not be able to handle a lot of what we go trough. While I have had a hard week, I remember that we are going to be ok.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Showin off the baby

I had my first trimester screening this week. I got to see the baby moving and kicking and flipping. It was so neat and I feel like I could sit all day and just watch. I am already so in love with this child! The scan looked good but this is only the first part of a 3 step process. I had some blood work done and have not heard those results yet. In a couple more weeks I will get more blood work and then at 20 weeks we will have a more through scan than what is normally given. We will also find out what we are having at that time. I am so anxious. The days can not go by fast enough. I will be happy either way but it is very exciting to find out.

In other pregnancy news I am still having bleeding on and off. Mostly happens when I do too much. This past Saturday I bled all day long. That is a scary thing when you are pregnant. SInce everything is ok with the baby the doctor beleives I have something going on with my cervix. A varicositie is what she called it. And if I do too much then I will bleed. She wants me to take it easy. Try to sit more at work and not do as much around the house. Easier said than done with a big family, but I am trying to follow her advice as much as possible. I may have to post pone doing my clinicals at school. Because it would consist of a lot of standing and massaging. I don't want to push it. Everything else seems to be going really good.

Jaxon is going to do a series of tests at school. If he does well with these he will be placed in an accelerated program. I could not be more proud. He really enjoys school. Serena is doing really well in speach therapy and continues to improve on a weekly basis. Layne had a fine arts program that she did with church and her group took first place. Tim and I are truely blessed with wonderful children.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Bump Update

I had another visit with my ob/gyn this week. Things are still going along nicely. It was good to see her again after last week's scare. We got to hear out little ones heartbeat again. There is nothing better than hearing that. It is a good strong heartbeat too! I am in the last week of my first trimester and finally starting to feel better. The nausea is almost completly gone and only gets bad if I do not eat. I do not have an appetite and am not craving anything but I am sure that will change shortly. So far I have lost 4 pounds and I have not started to gain it back. I am completly ok with this.

We are going to have an ultrasound on Monday. This is called a first trimester nuchal test. It is to see if the developing baby has any signs of Down Syndrome. With Tim having a child with Down Syndrome this is just something we felt we would like to know. This is not going to change anything about the pregnancy or the love that we have for this child. We would just like to know either way. We will get some good pictures I am sure and I will be sure to post them when we get them. I am pretty excited about seeing our little one.

I am still prett tired. I think a lot of that has to with working full time and going to school 3 nights a week. I am sure it will get better once school is done. I have 2 more weeks of night classes and then have clinicals during the day. I am so excited to be able to go home after work. The kids are also excited to have mom at home and not a baby sitter.

More to come next week.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

ER Visit

Just want to keep everyone updated. Friday this past week turned out to be a horrible night. My kids were at their dad's house and Layne had stuff going on with church. So Tim decided to go into the main lab for a while. I was looking forward to a nice evening to myself. Mostly I wanted to catch up on some napping! So I read a little and slept alot. Around 9:15 I got up and felt like I needed to go to the restroom. I will try to spare the details but I will let you know what I saw in their was the scariest thing I have ever seen while beibg pregnant. I was bleeding, and not just a little. Needless to say I was scared. I called Tim right away even though he was not due to be home until 10. He answered and I told him we needed to go to the hospital. He was 5 minutes from home. God is great. I knew he was looking out for me on this night. So we rushed to the ER. While there we thought the worst. We had lost the baby. All that kept going through my mind was we are going to have to get rid of the halloween outfits we had already gotten for baby wax. It seemed like we had the longest wait ever. They got me into a room in about an hour. The doctor came in and was more worried about my heart rate being elevated than my bleeding. So I was hooked up to an EKG and given IV fluids. Finally at about midnight the Dr came in to examine me. The only thing she could tell me was that yes I was still bleeding but no she could not tell if I was having a miscarriage. Since it was so late at night they did not have anyone there to perform an ultrasound. While laying on the stratcher in the ER I prayed that the babies life was in God's hands and for Him to give me the strength to get through whatever happened. After this I felt completely calm.

We were sent home with the diagnosis "threatened miscarriage". I was told to go home and wait for the rest of the bleeding to start and to follow up with my doctor on Monday. I was not happy with this diagnosis. So Saturday morning I called my doctor. She called me right back and told me she would meet me at the hospital to do a quick ultrasound for peice of mind. Oh what a great dr i have! We got the ultrasound and there was our baby with a very strong heartbeat. Sweet relief. Hearing the heartbeat was the best thing I had heard all weekend. It was a stressful 2 days but it all turned out ok. Hopefully this is not something that I will have to go through again. It was a reminder of how precious our lives are. I am thankful that I have a wonderful supportive husband.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Baby Wax 2011

If you can't tell from the above pictures, we are going to be adding to our family! Tim and I are excited to share this news. Baby Wax is due 10/8/11. We will probably meet this new little life on 10/3/11 as I have to have a scheduled c-section. I am currently 8 weeks along. I am not feeling great during the day. I get icky feeling if I llet myself get too hungry. And that happens a lot because no food sounds good to me right now. I am patiently waiting for this phase to be over! This past week we had an ultrasound and got to see our little raspberry with a heartbeat!
I am thankful everything is going so well and I am praying that it continues to do so. The kids are thrilled with the idea of another little one in the house. Jaxon practices his big brother skills on a daily basis and Sernea is warming up to the idea. She rubs my belly and talks to the baby already! Layne can't wait to hold the new baby! I will post updates on everybody. May God continue to bless this family!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snow Days

It is a Tuesday and I am sitting a home with nothing but time on my hands. This is a strange feeling for me. The kids are at their dads house and I don't have to work or go to school. The reason for all this extra time? We are in a blizzard warning. So the hubs abd I stocked up on food and drinks and are in the house for the duration. Thank goodness I can adjust and enjoy the downtime!
I amm still watching the weight. I have bben eating smaller portions and am incorporating fruits and veggies and lots of water. I am down 2 pounds. WOO HOO.
Now that I am stuck in the house for who knows how long I hope I can keep up the good work. It is weird to have a snow day with out the kids. But I do have a BIG kid named Tim at home with me. I will post pics of the blizzard when we see what it does to us!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Mama Phat

This is something that I have not blogged about recently. Mostly because I fell off the wagaon and hit the bottom...hard! I gave up on my weight loss goals for the holidays. And in the process gained 5 pounds. This puts me above the dreaded weight that I never thought I would get to. So now I have a saying in my head that I repeat over and over again. A new year a new me! We are 17 days into this new year and it is hard to work on the new me. I am so set in my ways of eating bad and drinking soda. I can go a week with out drinking one, then the weekend comes, we will order a pizza, and bam I am drinking a dam soda again.

I am going to conquer this. How hard can it be to not drink soda. Am I that lazy that I can not come up with something else to drink? I think not. I am going to update at least once weekly if not more. I am going to be real and sometimes not so pretty. I have to get it out there. I think this will help me! Here goes.

Todays weight 200 pounds :(

I am going to set some mini goals. Once I accomplish these I will set more. The first one is to stop drinking soda. This includes diet soda. Second one is to be more active. I am going to try and get 30 minutes of activity in every day. This one may kill me. Third one is to be more positive about myself. I am a great person and deserve to feel that way.

Wish me luck. So far today I have had coffee with equal and non dairy creamer, kix cereal with 2% milk, stephanina's pizza and salad, and a diet dr pepper. Dinner is going to be a bit hard to be healthy but I am taking baby steps. Here is to a soda free night and week!! A new year a new me!!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Random Post

So there is not much going on in the world of waxes. The first of the year is going by fast just like 2010 did. This year is going to bring some much needed change but it is not here yet. I have 11 more weeks of massage therapy school. I am so excited to be done and able to build a small side business. I am going to massage at my home as well as go to people's homes. If you know anyone who needs a massage just let me know. I am going to take a few months off from school and then I plan on taking a few classes again. Yes I am on my way to becoming a life long student. I love learning and want to acheive big things for my family and myself!
Jaxon continues to do great in school. Just got his report card and he got all A's again. I am so incredibly proud that this smart interesting child is my son. I love him so much. Rena has recently started speech therapy. She is super excited about it and works really hard at learning new things. I am looking forward to seeing her improve and grow. Layne is as always awesome at school. Sometimes I think she is smarter than me already! She is going to grow up to be an intelligent women. We are so proud of all our children and really could not ask for a better group.
I am blessed to have a happy healthy family. the next few months are going to be filled with school and work but there is llight at the end of this long tunnel.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Christmas and New Year 2010

Our white Christmas

Grandpa reading the Bible
Christmas was very special this year. Tim and I gpt to take some muc needed time off from work and school and get to enjoy each other and our family. We have a tradition to get together Christmas Eve and eat drink and of course open our Christmas p,j.'s. This year we had family at our house. We had a great ttime and loved out pajamas.
Christmas morning was spent at my mom and dad's house. We had great food and got wonderful things fdrom everyone. The on to Christmas afternoon. This is the best part! We got to have all the kiddos together. All kids lined up on the couch and waited patiently to open presents one at a time. We went on order from youngest to oldest. They came down from the couch and everyone watched them open one gift. They were all so well behaved and had an awesome time opening everything from mom, dad and santa. We all had a wonderful time and got grea gifts. I love Christmas and really can not wait until we get to do it again net year!!
New year was spent quietly at home. My children were at their fathers this year and Layne had a lock in at her church. So Tim and I were on our own. We stayed in and played games and just enjoyed spending time together. It was fantastic!!
We did not make any resolutions but we did make plans and ideas for the coming year. We plan to accomplish a lot in 2011. Just a sampling of a few of the things that are in my plans: I am going to finish school and start a massage business of my own. I am going to eat healthy and incorporate fitness in to my daily schedule. There are many more things I want to get done and I will continue to update!!! Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and I wish you luck in the new year.