Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Paytons Kidney

When I was pregnant with Payton I had to have ultrasounds every week for a while due to my gestational diabetes. Everything always checked out perfect until my 34 week check. PAytons left kidney was slightly enlarged. It is hard to tell on fetal ultrasound what exactly causes this but they wanted to monitor it. So they measured it. A good number is under 3mm. That first vistit, Paytons measured 9mm. Big but not terrible the doctor told us. Dr said if it made it to 13 this would be the critical point. I didnt think much of it, worried a little and prayed about it. At the next ultrasound that was 18 days later the size had balloned up to 25mm. This is way past the critical level that the doctor had told us about. Needless to say I was scared. We spoke with a pediatric urologist before he was born. He let us know that he was going to be closely monitored after birth and we would decide what to do then.

When Payton was born he had an ultrasound that still showed his kidney is severly swollen and so is the ureter. This is the tube that lets urine drain from the kidney to the bladder. His kidney is not draining at all. It is holding on to the urine and this is why its swollen. Payton also had to have a test to check for reflux(where the kidney sucks up the urine instead of draining). He had to have a cath for this. Not a pleasent thing for mom or baby to go through. He does not have reflux. He has a blockage in that tube that is preventing any urine to go to the bladder.

His urologist informed us that the only way to fix this is to have surgery to remove the blockage. I am thankful that there is a fix for this. But no mama wants to have their sweet little innocent baby to have surgery. He not only has to have one, but 2 surgeries to completely fix this problem. On January 19 they will go in and take the tube off from the bladder and bring it to his skin. He will have 2 openings where urine comes out. His normal place and an opening in the crease of his left leg. He will have to remain this way until that kidney heals. He will not have to wear anything special it will drain directly into his diaper. The dr says the healing time varies from person to person but anywhere from 3 to 6 months. Then he will have another surgery to put it all back together.
I am praying that everything will be ok. Payton is a big strong baby. I will have pictures to post soon.

1 comment:

  1. I saw your blog on In This Wonderful Life! I have twins: one has a duplicated ureter. The other has a non-functioning kidney. We are waiting to learn whether they will need surgery or not. I am thinking of you!!
